Sweet Summer Kompot

In my grandmother's house in the summertime, dessert is her specialty.  I was lucky enough to bake some strudel with her this past weekend and that recipe will be along soon.  Her standard summer dessert, however, is freshly cooked kompot.

This is a slightly universal dish - Wikipedia informs me it may be descended from a Byzantine dish - but I'm sharing the recipe anyway.  Maybe you've made it before, but if not it's really easy and it's a delicious end to a meal on a hot summer's night, particularly when it's too hot to bake.  Here's what you need:

2 apples
2 pears
2 plums
4 tbsp white sugar

Start by peeling your apples and pears.

Chop them into thin slices.  Slice (but don't peel!) your plums.  Place all your fruit pieces in a large saucepan and rinse them well with water.  We rinsed 3 times.
Then add just enough water to cover, and 4 heaping tablespoons of sugar, and place your pot on the stove.  Start cooking your kompot.
Once it reaches a good simmer, let it cook for about 5-10 minutes but start checking your fruit to see if it's tender.  You don't want to overcook it!

You should set it on ice to chill if you need it quickly, otherwise put it into the fridge for a few hours.  My mom rigged this up to cool it so I could take it home on my bike:

Enjoy it on a hot summer's eve.  It will keep for about a week in your fridge.  Yum!  Enjoy!

Note: You can use almost any fruits for this recipe.  We actually added a pint of gooseberries to this batch at the very last minute (you can see them floating in the pot).  But try it with whatever you'd like!  My grandmother informs me that a cinnamon stick or a piece of lemon rind are also optional add-ins.  And more or less sugar, to taste.


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